Last Queen Camel Milk 330ml
Camel Milk is extremely nutritious. It is packed with immune proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals
Camel Milk is extremely nutritious. It is packed with immune proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals such as:
- Omega Fatty Acids 3, 6 & 9: Building blocks of healthy cell membranes; they create natural oil barrier keeping skin hydrated
- Natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids: Gentle exfoliation of our skin from dead cells
- Vitamins & Minerals: A high concentration of vitamins A, B, C, D & E are all naturally abundant in camel milk. They have repairing properties supporting natural skin rejuvenation
- Immune Proteins: High concentrations of unique anti-inflammatory, and immune supporting proteins
- Phospholipids: Naturally-occurring molecules that attract water and hold on to it. As a results phospholipids are a crucial component for keeping the skin hydrated.
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